यसरी माया नगरी मारियो बाईस जना क्रिश्चियनहरूलाई आफ्गानीस्तानमा

“Please pray 4 the 22 Christian Missionary families that will be executed by Islamists in Afghanistan.Please PASS as fast as u can so that many will pray!My first reaction was shock and I decided to consult the internet for more information. I found this on a website called bloodwoodtree.org:

“There is a bit of discussion on the net about it, but no one can confirm the origin of the message or its authenticity. There is no news coverage despite the fact that this sort of thing would make big headlines, and as the messages started yesterday we could probably assume that any executions may have already occurred. The mission agency and advocate for martyrs “Open Doors” also has no knowledge of such an event, so it is likely that this is a hoax.

In July 2007, 23 Korean missionaries were captured by the Taliban and 1 executed in July 2007, with the threat that the remaining 22 would be executed if demands were not met immediately. The situation was diffused (I don’t have the details I’m sorry – please post them here if you do), but it sounds like the text message could be a re-run of the old one.

It’s a good reminder that we need to pray for our missionaries overseas, but at the same time please make a point of praying about the fact that if this is not true, then a message is going around the world that is likely to stir up a lot of anger against Afghanistan. While such events are a reality, if it’s not happening this time then this is a lie designed to reinforce in ‘good Christian’ minds that Afghans are bad. That’s a hate crime.”

Note that this was posted on 28th February, 2009 and today is 9th April, 2013 or was I somehow transported to the future? What the person(s) who created this message hope(s) to achieve, I do not know; and why is this message being re-broadcast four years later? There are a number of links I would have posted, but no thanks to terrible internet, I cannot. However, you can use google to get more information.